Friday, July 22, 2005

Today's knitting news

Good morning all. I have set aside my sock for the time being, since the bamboo needles are getting “sloppy” and somewhat blunt on the end. I am going to try to use some fine grit sandpaper on them to see if that helps. I am only a couple of rows from being ready to decrease for the toes. In my knitting bag for today, I have yarn for 2 more hats and to make that doily book mark ( I will probably opt for the bookmark. “August 1-7th is a special week set aside where crafters all over the world choose their favorite charity and they focus their efforts to making things that week for this charity. It's simple and fun and will help so many people in need! This is a 'charity crafting week' that was created by Bev's Country Cottage and it is not an Official Worldwide Celebration or anything, wouldn't that be nice?! :-) It's just a week where all crafters can work on helping others. Please let your crafting groups, online crafting groups and so forth know about this, and let's spread the good word!” The charity knitting week is also our convention week so I will not know till the week gets here if I am going to be really busy or really bored. Since I like to knit hats, I definitely want to participate, but it may not be on the exact days designated.

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